Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8/24/11 Chemo Earthquake

Gotta scootch this one in here because it’s a funny anecdote.

Some of you may know, there was an earthquake in Virginia this day that we felt up here in NJ,!!  

We had just gotten back from a week of handling  my uncle’s estate in Orlando this morning, when  I had to go to the treatment center to get IV for the horrible allergic reaction cited in my 8/24 entry. Here I am hooked up to an IV along with everyone else in the room when I feel my recliner start to rock forward and back.  Then I notice my IV pole is moving. I look behind me – wall – so no one is pushing me.  I look around the room and see everyone is now moving and rolling.  We all start to giggle and wonder why the whole building is shaking when we hear the nurses start to FLEE!  Yes, fight or flight and they left us all there hooked up to traveling IV poles, doped up on our drugs, rocking back and forth in our recliner chairs.  We were having fun at least. 

Then, of course, the shaking of the building became a little intense and we all started wondering if maybe we should unplug from the walls and flee ourselves!  All along I was telling people it was an earthquake, it had to be.  No, I wasn’t shouting it in a hysterically high-pitched voice. Heck, I was probably the most subdued once there at the moment and was now thinking of Chris!  He was in the parking lot in the car on a conference call.  The sensation started to cease and our chairs stopped racing.  The nurses came back, the little TV’s went on by each patient as they searched for Breaking News, and me?  Smiled broadly and asked, “Did you feel that out there!?!?!” when Chris came back through the treatment room door. 

1967 Xmas - probably my face today TOO!
Hey! Who says chemo can’t be spontaneously FUN?!?!   

Saturday, August 27, 2011

8/26/11 Chemo Hurricane

As Hurricane Irene approaches, I can’t help but remember how Hurricane Charley tried to devastate us 7 years ago on our wedding day!  We persevered and had a grand time then, but somehow I don’t think the same will happen this time around. You see, Charley went from a CAT 4 to a tropical storm once it got to NJ (still bad winds, but not horrible).  Irene, will strike us as a CAT 1 they are saying and have more landfall.  Again, we shall see, but either way you wanna be prepared.   Yes, I’m tying this into cancer and chemo…

There are 5 categories for hurricanes,, the higher the number, the worse the recipients are.  Same goes for cancer.  There are only 4 stages of cancer, but the first 3 stages have an A & B levels as well.   Each stage/category is more devasting than the previous one.  I feel very lucky to be in the lower stage 2 especially since my cancer was completely removed. 

I endure the devasatating side effects of my storm
I ride-out the emotional windfalls
I soak up the many drops of water down my face
I smile up at the sun when it shines and when it doesn’t
I am glad for our preparations & research
I thank God for my Love Ones & Supporters!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yes, it’s been almost TEN DAYS since my last entry.  Why?  Well, lemme tell yah! :)

The day after my last entry, I started having a nasty allergic reaction to what I call a chemical spill.  When I received my last chemo treatment, some of it leaked into my tissues (yeah, boo-boo on phlebotomist’s part).  So, a few days later I got a chemical burn on the back of my right hand (pic below) that got worse as the days went by.  It got redder, hotter, and developed blisters.  Course at the time I had NO IDEA what it was, so I called the office and was told it’s just an allergic reaction to put some cream on it and take Benadryl.

Whelp, after the blisters got worse, I figured it was MORE than that, but had to go to Orlando to close out my Uncle’s estate.  So, I went and hoped for the best.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I should know better!  By the weekend I had full-blown Hand-Foot Syndrome!!  My Feet were itchy and swollen, but not as bad as my hands. My hands were like marshmallows, I couldn’t close them,  and they HURT like the dickens!  They burned and itched to the point of NO RELIEF!!!  The way I was itching and wringing my hands, Chris said I looked demented.  Well, I FELT DEMENTED!! 

DEFINITION OF INSANITY:  Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

So, I called my Dr. and made an appointment for Tuesday the 23rd when we got back.  She took great pity on me and gave me IV meds and some prescriptions.  Here I am a day later ABLE TO TYPE and close my hands!!!  What a relief.  Thank God for Medication!!!

So, now back to blogging and probating my Uncle’s estate.  TTFN!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

8/15/11 ...Make Lemonade!

Feeling “normal” these past few days!!!  Latest labs came back good and didn’t need fluids for dehydration this week.  Things are looking up!  Well, for me, but not the family.  One of our bearded dragons died suddenly today (seems to be a theme).  Poor Zoto…we cried over your passing.

 When Life Gives You Lemoas....

Friend Kathy F. sent this to me (very applicable to MANY WOMEN I know!!):
She can deal with stress and carry heavy burdens.
She smiles when she feels like screaming, and she sings when she feels like crying.

She cries when she's happy and laughs when she's afraid. Her love is unconditional.
There's only one thing wrong with her. She forgets what she's worth!
Pass this to every beautiful woman you know. Remind her that she's unique.
Our little Dragon a Boy could have.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

8/13/11 I FEEL GOOD!!!

Here it is…the SECOND day in a row I FEEL GOOD!!!  Second day in a row I SLEPT!!!!
Like Garfield sings,  

I even feel good enough to go OUT today!!  Going to see The Help with my buddy, Missy, then (if I’m not exhausted) to the Chatham Tea Shop with Betty.  Tomorrow is my SEVEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!  We’ve been friends for 15 years and in LOVE for 10, so LOTS to celebrate this weekend!   I am HAPPY to be ALIVE and with those I LOVE and who Love me!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

8/11/11 Peace for my Uncle

I woke up knowing I'd hear some news...
My dearest Uncle Bobby is finally at Peace.  God Rest His Soul.  I will miss him dearly.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8/10/11 I'm STILL STANDING!!!!

After 72 hours, I finally feel better!!  It was rough going, but I survived and I’M STILL STANDING!!!
Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did!
               Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid

Slept over 8 hours too – amazing how one can feel after your body has time to catch up.
Got some more phone calls from loved ones and a surprise package from cousin, Susan!!  A Fight Like A Girl cap!!  How she found it!?!?!?  I’ll never know, but I LOVE IT!!!

8/9/11 Tomorrow is another day!

A VERY MISERABLE morning – I even blubbered like a child I was so uncomfortable & in pain. My poor son, there to watch my meltdown while trying to calm me so I don’t further stress my body. I love him so much! It’s hard to stay positive all the time. This as one of my moments.

Then, in whisks this beautiful brunette woman, with hugs and solace…AND A GIFT that she made herself!!!  We cried together and then I and my body calmed down – for the first time today. What a friend she is, this anonymous Lady. Yeah, you KNOW who you are!

So, off to do the weekly labs. CBC’s are good, platelets at 261, but not too bad. Of course, after my 2 days of agony, I am once again dehydrated.  So, another IV and more fluids and I’m back home not feeling as horrible.  I have a baked potato and don’t feel horrible.  I pass out around 7pm from sheer exhaustion.
As Scarlett O’Hara said, “Tomorrow is another day!”

Monday, August 8, 2011

8/8/11 Weebles Wobble, but I Won't Fall DOWN!!

Remember in the Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry cartoons, Bugsy or Jerry would stop, turn round with an old-fashioned water spritzer and fill their antagonist up with water?  Then we’d see the recipient of gallons of water forced down their throats wobbling back and forth like a Weeble? 
Kinda like this,
Yeah, I spent a whole day yesterday and this morning like the WEEBLE!!  The pain?!?!  NOT NORMAL!!  So, a quick, late-night text to the Dr. some Magnesium Citrate, and, well, I am slowly giving birth to quintuplets it feels!
Oh what a RELIEF IT IS!!!!!

Got a call from one of the UPS Musketeers tonight.  What a GREAT SURPRISE!!  It’s fantastic to know people and friends are reading my blog and responding by reaching out!!  We all get so caught up in everything we do , are doing, are going to do that we forget what it’s like to brighten someone’s day by just saying, “HI!” –with a smile of course.  I’ve been so cloistered since chemo began that I haven’t had exposure to do so myself.  So, HI!!! To all my friends and loved ones out there!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

8/6/11 Hey, I got this one for yah!

Day 3 after round 2 (yes, it’s a count-up after a countdown) and I’m feeling side effects, but nowhere near the pain I was the first time around.  Progress?  Or is my body saying, “Yeah. I got this one, Reggie.  You sit back & lemme handle the harder pain.  I’ll just numb yah up to it.  The wakefulness becomes a routine after Round 1 – waking every night (rather morning) at 2:30’ish AM with gastric pain and bloating…not fun, but amazing what you get used to.  I get to read my books then – LOVE READING!!!!!  Just read, Mary Hooper’s, Fallen Grace, and Mary Higgins Clark’s, I’ll Walk Alone.  I’m also going back and forth between books to Katherine Hepburn’s, Me.  All 3 books were fantastic!  I REALLY LOVE Kate’s autobiography.  I believe we have the same flare for writing.  Just say as it comes.

On another note…my Beloved Uncle Bobby hangs on another day down in Ormond Beach.  He’s in a lovely Hospice room near the beach.  Thank GOD he has such beautiful friends who have been visiting him often!!!!!!  Yesterday, Drew & his mother, Sue, went to visit him.  They brought him some of his homey items so he has familiar things around him – even one of his NY Yankees Bears to cuddle with.  They read the letter I faxed over to him as well.  This makes me feel good.  I don’t know where I’d be without them – if it weren’t for them…well…I won’t go there.

  • Stick BY ME through it ALL – even the sicknesses, hardships and other negative times
  • Pick me up when I’m down - Don’t kick me  
  • Listen to me when I need someone to hear me and lend me that shoulder for crying when needed
Me & Uncle Bobby 1971 - Ramsey Pool

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day after Round 2 - BIG CHANGE!!!!

I believe my cocktails were changed, because I slept through the night and actually woke up at 8am!!  I’m still awake at 4pm!!!  Amazing!!!  Chris gave me my Neulasta shot around 2pm, so those lovely side effects will come later on.  Other than that, I’m feeling MUCH better today than I did day 2 of Round 1.  AMAZING!!!  Not hungry, but I have had lots to drink and a couple pieces of bread (strange – I only can eat FRESH bread as bagged loaves seem to upset my tummy).

On a lighter note, Yankees are still kicking ass and face their bitter rivals, the Red Sox this weekend!
My Uncle’s FAVORITE TEAM!!! 


From: Reggie
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 9:51 PM
Subject: Round 2
Round 2 Chemo today!  Got the Benadryl & Ativan up front so I went to lah-lah land within the first hour.  Drugs are amazing things – my body NEEDS the sleep so I welcomed it.
Of course, no trip to ANY facility is boring when the “Reggie Show” is in town:
I tried to fight the IV potions by talking and had Breda laughing with my slurred tones and non-sensical quips.  Then I said I think I’m gonna pass out now and did mid-sentence.  So, I conked out with my mouth open and everything.
Next my chair got bumped when I was in a deep sleep (accidentally of course) and I startled awake like a baby would: arms & legs shooting forward and up (I sit in a recliner) with a surprised look on my face.  The nurse apologized and asked if I was all right, to which I replied, “I was sound asleep.” And proceeded to conk out again. Yes, mouth open and everything! J  I heard the laughter as I slipped back down the spiral stairs to Sleepytown.
I woke briefly to see Breda back from the cafeteria where she giggled about getting chili and a bagel (not her usual fair AT ALL).  I asked if it was goooood, she giggled again & I said that it was worth the points then (Weight Watchers). And I proceeded to zonk out again, but on a lighter cloud because once again I heard laughter (yes at my expense) and a faraway voice say, “Of course she’s out cause now it’s time to go.” More giggling in the background.
Yes, I can make anything fun for others! ;P
Got home around 1:30pm, ate some homemade chicken soup (cause I think ahead), apparently typed an email or 3 then went to bed (till 9pm).  So, daughter, sister, niece, friend is doing oK today and ready for the week to come!!

Sometimes yah just gotta SLEEP!


Got 8 hrs. sleep after Chris’ nighttime cocktail.  YAY!  Still have bags under my eyes, but at least I’m not as miserable.

More dealing with Uncle Bobby’s situation and stressing to the Case Mgr. & Hospice that today is the last coherent day for me since tomorrow is chemo.  I tell them I won’t be able to make decisions till Monday, so they hustle and bustle (for them anyway) and after mucho research and phone calls by ME we get my uncle placed in a Hospice Home in Ormond Beach.  At least he’ll be made comfortable.
Chemo again tomorrow.  Back to square one.  At least I have my Uncle placed now.  Maybe I’ll sleep?  NOT!!!!  It’s 2:53AM and I’m WIDE AWAKE!!

Restless Days and SLeepless Nights!

Another 3 hrs only of sleep-less nights

Another 4 hrs only of sleep-less nights

I go chrome dome then Gangsta AND couldn’t resist Mrs. Clean, Mrs. Clean!!!  Now I need a photo with the tootsie pop and a sidekick named Crocker!!  How many men have heard their wife say, "Honey?  Can you shave my head?  I can't stand the sporatic bits of hair!"


Buzzed my head down to ¼” to alleviate the pain – it worked. By the time I took a shower this evening, the hair was coming out in droves so I’m glad I did it! My head still hurts though and I look like my brother’s Air Force entry photo from 1978.



Whelp, my friends were right…having your hair come out in CLUMPS is NOT pleasant.  So, after pacing for about an hour, I take my hubby’s advice and go see Cookie at the Plaza Barbers. Can you say THIRD GRADE?!?!?
So, now I’m dealing with my epidermis feeling like it’s been tenderized. Why?  My guess, the hair follicles are being killed and pushed upward through my pores so all this pressure HURTS!!!  Hurts a little less with the shorter hair though.


7/21 - 7/22
Feeling more hydrated now and drinking LOTS of Gatorade!!! Still not up to par though – bloating continues along with the other gastro side effects (YUCK!) and I’m still wicked sensitive to the heat. 

I get my 2nd saline fluids on Friday 7/22 so I’m “set” for the weekend.  Yeah, I feel a lot better!!  NOW, however, I’m dealing with my SKIN hurting!!  Strange sensation, liked I’m bruising all over, and dry tearing eyes.  Could this be the start of the dreaded hair loss?  I think it is since the bruised feeling are where I have hair.  Here comes the loop-de-loop on the roller coaster. WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I go for a short morning outage with Betty to the Arboretum Iris show and sale.  Yeah, flowers will get me outta the house anytime.  Betty drives (bless her) and we have a hard time picking all the tubers out, but we somehow manage.  I’m happy with our purchases, but now I’m strangely tired.  Nah, not strange at all!  We get back home and I’m done for the day.  Back to bed!
So, was this enough for me to be going through?  Another...NOT!!!!  I get a call that my Uncle Bobby (Mom’s brother) isn’t answering his phone and no one’s heard from him since Saturday (3 days).  Long story short – after the police break in, they find him on the floor confused.  Let’s just say – I will go through a week as his POA and decision maker on his short journey Home.  I wanna go down sooo bad, but cannot due to chemo.  To quote the Madagascar Penguins, “Well this Sux!”

Week 1 of chemo


Let me tell you that being in/on chemo is not something for everyone.  I see it in different stages in the Treatment Room every week.  Although I am only going for 4 treatments (spaced 3 weeks apart each). I’ve still gone on the off weeks for blood – so the appointment(s) were originally for – more on that later.

Week 1 of chemo:  SLEEP.  It’s all I wanna do for 3 whole days so I do.  I don’t eat, I drink when awake (approx.. 4 hrs of the day, not all at once), I pee.  The day after Round 1, I get the Neulasta shot to help build up my red/white BCC, which suffers during chemo.  Breda, my amazing Mother-in-Law, comes up to give it to me. She is a Godsend (along with everyone else) during this time and I am VERY GLAD that she is here for me.  I’m told the new side effects of the shot:  flu like with bone pain you probably never felt before.  Why bones?  WBC’s are created from Bone marrow.  Guess what?  They were right – the pain made my body crawl like I had the DT’s (so I’ve been told by a man who went through DT’s when I was a young girl).  So, I slept and used Tylenol & Claritan as told.  Of course, it did nothing for me, but I kept sleeping.  Sleep brings the natural numbing mechanism our bodies go into – it was a blessing.  When I woke, I was miserable, so I went back to sleep.  By Sunday the 17th, my head needed to be split open.  It started Saturday night – a side effect I figured – and increased in PAIN by Sunday.  I wasn’t told I could take anything other than Tylenol and would see the Dr. on Tuesday….Hmmmm…could I endure?  NOT!!!!!

I called Mike & Peggy (who are going through the chemo/radiation thing as well, remember?).   What I really did was text because I couldn’t talk.  It hurt my head and my throat – which was incredibly dry.  Can I take ANYthing else for this pain?  Of course, they told me – whatever you got.  So I popped my 800 mg Ibuprophen and texted the Dr. for more advice.  She said the IB was fine and we could try Percocet next if needed.  My voice was practically gone by evening, so I didn’t call back cause I was going in Tuesday, right?  WRONG!!!

 No voice Monday – it’s a side-effect right? L  Oh, Chris flew out to Seattle yesterday for the week.  He was pretty torn, but I told him I’d be fine with Kurt, my neighbors, friends & Breda while he was gone.  I did forget to mention, not intentionally, that he has been MY ROCK.  Yes, me the Rock for everyone else has one of her own.  He tended to EVERY need before he left and has been my crying towel and reminder why I am going through all this. To get better.  Well, with a best friend and husband like this, how could I forget?

On 7/19 I went in for blood work and follow-up with my head still splitting, my bones in agony.  Yes, I was lightly reprimanded by my chemo oncologist, Dr Rao.  She is a terrific, sensitive & VERY CARING.  EXACTLY who you need along the journey.  She is also Mike’s Dr., I’m glad they recommended her.  So, back to the blood.  They take it then tell me counts are good.  When Dr. Rao sees me she knows I’m still in pain and chides me for not letting her know.  I reply that every single drug I’m on says side effect of headache, so I figure, OK.  “No”, she says, “You are severely dehydrated.”  Funny, I am soooo good at letting other people know when they are getting to that point and forgot to self-diagnose.  That’s me, even going through chemo I’m worried about everyone else and forgetting about me.  Well, after this appointment I start self-caring and pay attention to my body again.  Oh, Breda is once again with me and now she & Dr. Rao have their plan all mapped out for me – they have become colleagues in my recovery. I like that!  I got 4 new scripts and new pain management instructions:  CALL ME if none of this helps!  Oh, and come back Friday for more fluids.

So I get the bags hooked up – steroids, anti-nausea, then 500 mg of Saline. Just a snack, but it still takes a couple hours.  Breda hung in there with me – I think she already knew I was dehydrated and this would be a longer appointment time than I was expecting.  My voice came back some by the end of the Saline and I felt better.  Breda & I then go on our trips to the various stores for meds, some Gatorade & applesauce, etc.  She brings me home, meets up with Al (her beau) for dinner, grabs my last med at a different pharmacy and comes on back.  I actually had an appetite tonight!  I had a little pasta with chicken and other little portions of whatever I could find.  Then got a nice surprise – Kathy Freeland popped over with Pedialyte, chicken soup and other food she thought I might want during this time.  She was here with me, keeping me company while Kurt got a reprieve, when Breda came back with the meds.  I think she was happy to see me with someone and not alone.

7/15/11 No Matter Our Age, We ALWAYS cry home to MOMMY!

REPLY from Mom to 7/14 email:
From: Flo [Mommy]
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 3:50 PM
To: Reggie
Subject: Re: round one

keep up your spirit. how long is the nausea etc. going to last? we had a great time with Braelyn and Carissa and Rob. she had us laughing constantly. I was coughing into my hand and she watched and then did the same thing. funny thing is when she really coughed, she covered her mouth. then she was watching daddy rubbing his forehead and started doing that too. the best thing is when she played peek boo. she covered her ears instead of her eyes. she loved the pool and the beach.

did Breda give you your shot today? hope each day gets easier we love you,
July 15, 2011----- Original Message -----
From: Reggie
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:15 AM
Subject: RE: round one

 Side effects can last for 2 weeks, then the next round and it starts over.  It’s just uncomfortable – woke up this morning nauseous, achy, bones hurting…it’s not fun, but as Aunt Agnes says – if it’s gonna save your life.

Breda came to give me the shot today & showed Chris in case she can’t make it up.  No biggee, but it gives you a shot of bacteria to promote white blood cells, so that means your bone marrow is tapped to produce them so you hurt lots in your bones.  Hasn’t been fun.

7/14/11 Day after Chemo ROund 1

Email to Family

From: Reggie
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:03 AM
Subject: round one

Round one of chemo:

 Whelp, it was 4 hours in a chair - luckily Breda was there for company and support.

Started off by taking blood counts - the nurse collapsed my first vein then proceeded to the other arm. Bummer.

Then off to the chair and getting my "salad, appy's and main courses" as the one nurse put it. :)  First the IV in the hand, then small bag saline to flush, then anti-nausea, then steroids (to help with CBC's), then the first course of the TC: docetaxel (Taxotere) and then the cyclophosphamide.  Had a bit of an allergic reaction towards the end of the first bag, so they stopped it and gave me Benadryl (25 mg).  Needless to say in 10 mins. it worked, on went the 2nd bag and off went my brain.  So, when it was done, I was woken up.  That's why you bring a driver!

Got home, ate half sandwich then off to bed for 5 hours!

 Now I get some nausea, lightheadedness, headaches, and all sorts of pains, no appetite, and other lovely side-effects.  Dealing with them and keeping the smile handy!

One day at a time!

7/8/11 Haircutz

Back from a WONDERFUL & GRAND 3.5 week excursion in Ireland!!!
Rest, Relaxed, and READY!!

Taking advice from women I know who went through Breast Cancer & chemo – cut it short, get used to it then buzz it when it starts coming out!!  Chemo Round 1 starts 7/13/11.

Kurt & I BOTH went and took off 7” – at least!

5/25/11 Well Wishes from the Family...

Nothing like Love pick-me-ups!!!  Spread Love & Smiles and get them BACK tenfold!!!  Here's jsut a smpling

From: Kathy [sister]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 5:37 PM
To: Reggie
Subject: Re: bummer news
Oh, Regina.... my heart goes out to you... leaking tears as I write this.  As much as I complain about my hair I would still miss it. 
Some of my friends with longer hair cut their hair short before they started chemo so it was a little less depressing - still depressing but they said it helped a little.  Joyce's sister (Victor's wife) even got a super short haircut beforehand (think Sinead O'Connor) but I wouldn't go that far! 
 I will be mostly around after July 12th so if you need rides to chemo, someone to sit there with you, just let me know...

Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 6:56 AM
To: 'Michael [brother]'
Subject: RE: bummer news
Yes, chemo will make sure IF there is any cancer elsewhere it will be banished forever!  The only reason we’re doing this is because cancer travels swiftly thru the lymph nodes. So when they found a little bit in one of the node biopsies,  that sealed the deal of having to get it. L
I hope your appt’s go well – I am most certain they will!
From: Michael Doherty []
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:26 AM
To: Reggie
Subject: Re: bummer news
Sad to hear, meine Schwester.  will the treatment get rid of all of it?  will it spread more between now and treatment, or is relatively under control?  why do you have to wait until July?  Sometimes I don't understand about cancer.  I guess "conditions" run in our family.  well, enjoy life and don't sweat the interruptions too much. 

<cousin Sean D>               Hi Regina,
Sorry to hear the news, but I am glad that you found it in the early stages.
As always, it seems you have your positive attitude, which I personally believe makes a huge difference.

We are thinking of you here in Rochester.

Love,      Sean

-----Original Message-----
From: [Aunt & Uncle]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: what's up with me?

Hi Regina,

We read your email with horror!  But we'll take your advice to heart.  Just keep us updated and if there is anything we can do, let us know.  Have you been in touch with Sean?

We love you and know things are going to be great!    Aunt Carol and Uncle Johnny

From: agnes [Aunt]
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 8:04 PM
So sorry. That kind of news is always hard to take but it does sound positive.  Years ago my original gyn told me NEVER to take hormones because I produce too much and I listened to him.  Since you produce too many it might be genetic.  Keep your chin up.  Wish you only the best.
Love,         Aunt Agnes

From: Camille [niece]
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 7:22 PM

Hey my favorite Tia, so sorry to hear this news of your recent health scare, I first want to say I am here for you always!  Although I am far, you are never far from my heart or prayers!  You will be getting extra hugs, prayers, smiles, and love sent to you on the daily!  Why all the colors because you are as beautiful as a rainbow and my love and respect for you go as far and wide as rainbows and further, my love for is unending...I love you sooooooooo much!!! Your niece Camille xoxoxox