I thought radiation would be a
breeze. I thought “It doesn’t matter. It’s
a piece of cake!” Once again, I am
taught that I don’t know everything and cannot predict everything either.
of what I was diagnosed with 8 months ago.
It is a DAILY DRUDGERY of what I’ve had to go through, what I’ve missed,
what I’m fighting, what EVERY WOMAN I go through this with is BATTLING. In the
radiation waiting room: I see them cry,
I hear their stories, I see their fears…but I also help celebrate THEIR LAST
DAY. Of course, I am envious of them,
but know my countdown is in action as well.
When Friday comes, I’ll be ALMOST halfway through. Next week another woman will be done. What do we do when we’re done? We’ve been living, breathing, and eating this
for MONTHS! What do we do when it’s
over? Cry some more?
I still have residual chemo side effects
(itching, swelling, moon face…) and don’t feel myself yet. Will these all go away when radiation is
over? Will my body FINALLY PURGE those
damned steroids!??!?! Will I recognize
myself next year? Will my hair come back
red again? Yes, LOTS of questions that I
have to await answers for.
There's always tomorrow,
For dreams to
come true,
Believe in
your dreams
Come what
always tomorrow,
With so much
to do,
And so little
time in a day.
We all
The rainbow
has an end
And you'll be
there my friend someday.
always tomorrow,
For dreams to
come true,
Tomorrow is
not far away.