Thursday, December 1, 2011

12/1/2011 -- more time!

Whelp, tomorrow was SUPPOSED to be the last boost of radiation day, BUT…this past Monday I saw the doctor before my scheduled boost.  It was then she confirmed what I pretty much already knew (and dreaded).  I had severe radiation burn. WAH!  Yeah, it hurt reeeaaaalll bad -- enough to send me into tears over the Thanksgiving weekend and drop some pain killers.

I used the silvadene cream and gauze along with saline soaks as directed and a week later I am 90% healed!  So, the lighter side now is I should be BACK on track and FINISH treatments next week!!!  Just in time to enjoy the upcoming parties. 

Also on the light side….my hair is now growing faster.  I am up to a half inch!!  Yep, the same as it was 48 years ago.'s been that long?!?!?  (pun intended)

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