Tuesday, October 2, 2012

9/28/2012 -- Gifts & Losses

I went to my 3rd breast cancer symposium today.  I find them very informative and therapeutic.  I also get to meet new people, converse with other survivors, get tips from them and even some recipes!  Today, one of the speakers, Debbie Woodbury (founder of WhereDoWeGoNow.com), gave her personal experiences and how she would list her Gifts and Losses as a result of her experience with cancer and treatments.  She encouraged us to do the same, so here are some of mine (not in any order of importance):


·        My support group
·        Remission!
·        GREAT surgeon, oncologist & radiation Dr’s
·        Great insurance plan (coverage/PT…)
·        Knowing who loves & supports me
·        I wanna give back
·        Caught cancer before it got worse
·        Meeting new people & not caring who I know or what I wear
·        Blogging my experiences
·        Got closer to my mother-in-law, Breda
·        Loss of hair humbled me
·        More “us” time with my hubby, Chris
·        I take better care of myself
·        2011 lost in a sea of drugs
·        Times I yelled at my son & husband (see above)
·        My Dad still thinks I have cancer – he’s stuck in 2011
·        Mourning my sister
·        My Norm (stamina) & physical self
·        Loss of patience for others
·        Natural menopause
·        Burden I put on family, especially after Mo’s death
·        Inability to see my Uncle before his death
·        Loss of hair & self-esteem
·        “exercise” partners
·        Understanding from others




  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?


